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Innovation on show at first CSSA & CHSA showcase

Some of the cleaning industry’s most advanced technology was on show at the CSSA and CHSA innovation showcase held at the Brewery in London.

Representatives from 21 companies across the UK traveled to London to show their wares to the ‘Dragons Den’ panel of experts. They brought their very latest technological products and had 25 minutes to convince the experts from the CSSA and CHSA that they had the most innovative idea. There were a wide range of products for the experts to consider; from the very latest in vacuums and mops, to new software for managing staff, and cutting-edge cleaning products and sanitisers. They were all bidding to be included at the final Innovation Showcase which is being held on 15th March at the Brewery, where a winner will be chosen.

CSSA Marketing Director, Sean Taylor said“it was a really interesting day seeing all the presentations. It was great fun being a “dragon” and there were definitely a few nerves from the panel and the presenters as it was all very different, reflecting the new modern approach of the CSSA and our sponsors the CHSA. I am pleased to say that no one “froze” like you see on Dragon Den and more importantly there were many real “stand out” innovations. For me innovation is not just about the next big thing and sometimes the simplest “innovations” are the best. Commercially the most important thing with an innovation is being able to demonstrate the innovation and the value of that innovation PLUS getting the industry to recognise and embrace it. I can’t wait to hear the feedback from the Showcase on the 15th March.”

CSSA Chief Executive Officer, John Findlater, said; I’d to thank and congratulate everyone who attended the first showcase in February.  The quality of presentations was very high indeed. Everything is now set for the final showcase on 15th March, at the Brewery, where several of the best submissions from the first showcase will be on display for a chance to become the overall winner. Another unusual aspect of the CSSA Innovation Showcase will be that the winner will be selected by the attendees!”

The event will be filmed for promotion on social media, which all participants will have access to and all submissions will feature on a commemorative Innovation Showcase Brochure.

If you wish to attend on 15th March please contact John Findlater:

Places for the event are limited and on offer in the first instance to CSSA and CHSA members. There will be space for non-members and we encourage the industry to attend. As is normal with CSSA events food and refreshments will be served.


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