CSSA Women’s Group
One of the Women’s Group key focusses is to support people in the cleaning and support services sectors to become the best that they can be by increasing their confidence, abilities and skills. We had an amazing, inspirational speaker for one of our on-line sessions so to have Andrea Noble back for a live, in person session was an opportunity not to be missed.
Generously sponsored by Tennant UK at their facilities in Northampton some thirty or so colleagues and guests experienced an excellent day. The workshop as delivered in an informal and very comfortable style engaging totally with the audience with this introduction ..
“When you believe in yourself and truly focus on your strengths you become unstoppable”
“A thought-provoking workshop that creates your own personal mission statement and ensures that you embed four values into your everyday life: Integrity: being true to yourself, Kindness: to you, Hard Work: on understanding what makes you happy and Bravery: stepping out of your comfort zone to be the best you!”
With some self-defining activities and group discussions we each created a theme finally achieving our own Personal Statement.
Everyone found something personal and rewarding out of the day with some great feedback
I" found it really interesting and it was lovely to see real people again and to meet some new ladies in the sector"
"It was great to be amongst some great people"
"What a great event - thanks to Tennant for hosting and Andrea Noble for such an insightful presentation. Looking forward to the next one!"
"Thoroughly enjoyed the day. Thank you. I will continue to work on my personal Mission Statement as it evolves through this new "Landscape" we are all living and working in
Thank you, Andrea, for such an insightful morning. It was great!"
Andrea suggests we revisit this in around six months. We are certainly looking towards inviting her back to refocus ourselves in the New Year.